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Reviewed Benq Screenbar The Perfect Computer Desk Lamp Gadgetry Today

Reviewed Benq Screenbar The Perfect Computer Desk Lamp Gadgetry Today

ScreenBar Lite is a portable lamp that could attach to the laptop PC to light up the working area An exclusive APP can work together with the builtin light sensor to dim the light automatically Thanks to the asymmetric optical design, ScreenBar Lite casts the light only on the document, and no light shines on the screen or keyboard With the special clamp design, you can attach theThis BenQ WiT ScreenBar is a great addition to your workspace You can simply mount it atop your monitor to light up your desk without taking up any valuable space With the automatic dimmer, 8 colour settings and asymmetric optical design, the ScreenBar illuminates your workspace via USB power, any way you want

Benq screenbar lite laptop usb lamp

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