√1000以上 brushing teeth three times a day 156905-Brushing teeth three times a day

I've been lazy with my teeth for the past 2 years though and SHOULD be brushing them twice a day • I think brushing before bed and using mouth wash/floss is most important because you First of all, brushing your teeth three times a day instead of two is not problematic It's also not a big deal to occasionally brush your teeth more than required in a4yearold has white tartar ring on gumlines I brush my daughter's teeth twice a day, sometimes three times a day if she has candy Today I noticed on a few of her back teeth, maybe 6 total, a

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I Brush My Teeth At Least Three Times A Day But I Still Occasionally Have A Cavity How Can I Prevent Cavities Quora

Brushing teeth three times a day

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